

Worth Magazine

Can You Find Increased Success in Life by Being More Primitive?

Marco Greenberg, a public relations and marketing guru with a New York-based company, Thunder11, thinks so. His book is a step-by-step guide to identifying, nurturing and ultimately capitalizing on the primitive drive within…assuming there is one within you, even if it’s a small one.


Why Tapping Into Your Primal Instinct Can Help You Get Ahead in Today’s Competitive Environment (by Marco Greenberg)

Primitiveness is a quality inherent in all of us, no matter our gender, race, ethnicity or job status — from employees in large corporations to entrepreneurs putting out a shingle. Our primitive qualities allow us to be creative, intuitive, courageous and relentless in pursuit of our goals. Marco Greenberg encourages you to embrace the unconventional

The Society for Human Resource Management

Advantages of the Non-Traditional Hire (by Marco Greenberg)

Being a communications consultant working with C-level executives has given me a courtside seat to view talent development from a different perspective…One of my biggest challenges has been recruiting and retaining unconventional talent.

The Society for Human Resource Management

Turning Adversity into Growth (by Marco Greenberg)

In Wendy Mogel’s The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, she argues that we should not shield our children from adversity but rather, in healthy and safe doses, welcome it. But turning adversity into a lever to actually improve our lives and build our careers is not easy. It’s natural to wallow in bitterness instead, but it’s also worth trying to do better. 

Office Hours with Entrepreneur’s columnist David Meltzer


7 “Primitive” Qualities for Finding Meaning in Your Work (by Marco Greenberg)

"This radical work-life imbalance makes it more urgent than ever that our work truly give us meaning. It should focus the mind on a critical question: is our work fulfilling?

Business Insider

I lost $25 million and couldn’t be prouder. Here's what it taught me about following my values. (by Marco Greenberg)

But rather than regret and atone with stricter goal setting, I want to argue the opposite: Loosen the reins and be even more generous with time and money. Let go of the Protestant ethic of "work, work, work" and "save, save, save." Instead, start putting principles over profits.

Media Village

Drilling Down on Diversity at Work (by Marco Greenberg)

Even after decades in the business world, I have not yet seen a holistic approach to the challenge of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. … Many people fear talking about the issue has only downsides and that any misstep might give offense or cause you to be "cancelled." But we must talk about it anyway.

Thrive Global

Why Marco Greenberg Wants Us to Tap Into the Primal Drive that Powers the World’s Most Successful People

In an enlightening interview, the author of PRIMITIVE opens up about his approach to business, self-care, and working in our new normal.

The Berkshire Eagle